NNTP Servers and Port numbers
Most Usenet providers offers multiple news server addresses on their F.A.Q (General address). But there is alternate server addresses based on location (US - NL)
There are a few reasons to know the addresses of alternate servers:
If you need help maxing out gigabit speeds: in case of a problem with speed, you need to know of other servers to add to the official ones or to change the routes.
Some Usenet Service Providers don't give out the address of all the servers, they just give the EU address that redirects the user to the Dutch or German address depending on their geo-localisation. This is why you need the address of alternate servers that redirect automatically to the specific servers.
The table below lists the server addresses for each Newsgroup Service Provider along with secure (SSL) and standard (un-encrypted) ports.
Newshosting - Usenet Server Addresses
Newshosting has servers in the USA and Europe they have multiple redundant backbone connections to the Internet so speed is only limited by your own ISP if you live in the USA or Europe.
Hostname: news.newshosting.com
Port: 119
Additional NNTP Ports: 23, 25, 80, 3128
SSL Ports: 563, 443
NNTP/SSL ports listed above apply to these servers as well.
Geographic auto-select hostnames:
IPv4 - news.newshosting.com
IPv6 - news6.newshosting.com
United States hostnames:
IPv4 - news-us.newshosting.com
IPv6 - news-us6.newshosting.com
Europe hostnames:
IPv4 - news-eu.newshosting.com
IPv6 - news-eu6.newshosting.com
Netherlands hostnames:
IPv4 - news-nl.newshosting.com
IPv6 - news-nl6.newshosting.com
UsenetServer - Usenet Server Addresses
IPv4 (US servers) - news.usenetserver.com
IPv6 (US servers) - news6.usenetserver.com
Available Unencrypted ports: 20, 23, 25, 119, 3128, 7000, 8000 and 9000
SSL (Encrypted Access) ports: 563, 443 and 8080
Usenetserver has some alternative server options that might help in troubleshooting. You are free to experiment with these to try to get better connectivity. The same ports above will apply to these servers...
IPv4 (US servers) - news-us.usenetserver.com
IPv6 (US servers) - news-us6.usenetserver.com
IPv4 (NL servers) - news-eu.usenetserver.com
IPv6 (NL servers) - news-eu6.usenetserver.com
Eweka - Usenet Server Addresses
Eweka is an independent provider with servers in the Netherlands.
Netherlands hostname - news.eweka.nl
TLS: 563, 443
Unencrypted: 80, 119
EasyNews - Usenet Server Addresses
Easynews has servers located in the USA (East Coast and West Coast) and servers in the Netherlands.
To use a server address that will geolocate you to the nearest farm, the NNTP server address options are as follows:
IPv4 (US servers) for non-SSL connections - news.easynews.com
IPv6 (US servers) for non-SSL connections - news6.easynews.com
Ports 21, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 119, 8000 and 8080
Additional SSL Options: news.easynews.com listens on ports 563 and 993 only
IPv4 (US servers) for SSL encrypted connections - secure.news.easynews.com
IPv6 (US servers) for SSL encrypted connections - secure6.news.easynews.com
SSL Ports 21, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 443, 563, 8000 and 8080
Alternatively, They have some other server options which might help when manually optimizing your connection...
The United States server address options are as follows:
IPv4 (US servers) for non-SSL connections - news.us.easynews.com
Non-SSL Ports 21, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 119, 8000 and 8080
IPv4 (US servers) for SSL encrypted connections - secure-us.news.easynews.com
IPv6 (US servers) for SSL encrypted connections - secure6.news.us.easynews.com
SSL ports 21, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 443, 563, 8000, and 8080
The European server address options are as follows:
IPv4 (US servers) for non-SSL connections - news.eu.easynews.com
IPv6 (US servers) for non-SSL connections - news6.eu.easynews.com
Non-SSL ports 21, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 119, 8000 and 8080
IPv4 (NL servers) for SSL encrypted connections - secure-eu.news.easynews.com
IPv6 (NL servers) for SSL encrypted connections - secure6.news.eu.easynews.com
SSL ports 21, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 443, 563, 8000, and 8080
The HTTP (web) server allows access to Usenet via a traditional web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox and Chrome. The web server interface can be accessed by logging into https://www.easynews.com and proceeding to the Members Area.
ExtremeUsenet - Usenet Server Addresses
ExtremeUsenet uses Dutch Usenet servers.
Netherlands hostname - news.extremeusenet.nl
For SSL use port 563 or 443
Tweaknews - Usenet Server Addresses
Tweaknews is an independent provider with servers in the Netherlands.
Newserver NL: news.tweaknews.eu
For SSL use port 563
UsenetBucket - Usenet Server Addresses
UsenetBucket uses Dutch Usenet servers.
Netherlands servers: reader.usenetbucket.com
For SSL use port 563
Usenet.Farm - Usenet Server Addresses
UsenetFarm is an independent provider with servers in the Netherlands.
Netherlands servers: news.usenet.farm
Unfortunately Spotnet doesn't support their .farm-domain. Please try changing the hostname(news.usenet.farm) into the following: news.usenetfarm.eu
Netherlands servers: IPv6-only - news6.usenet.farm
Secure Ports: 443, 563
UsenetExpress - Usenet Server Addresses
UsenetExpress is an independent provider with servers in the US and Amsterdam.
US servers: news.usenetexpress.com
NL servers: news-eu.usenetexpress.com
The following ports are available on those servers:
563 or 443 for SSL (TLS 1.0+)
564 for old SSL clients (insecure ciphers)
119, 23, or 80 without SSL enabled.
NewsgroupDirect - Usenet Server Addresses
NewsgroupDirect is an independent provider with servers in United States.
United States - news.newsgroupdirect.com
Ports: 119, 23, 3128, 7000, 8000, 8080, 9000
SSL Ports: 563, 80, 81, 9119
Europe - europe.newsgroupdirect.com
Ports: 119, 23, 3128, 7000, 8000, 8080, 9000
SSL Ports: 563, 80, 81, 9119
Vipernews - Usenet Server Addresses
Vipernews is an independent provider with servers in The Netherlands.
NL servers: news.vipernews.com
Port number 563 for an SSL access
FastUsenet - Usenet Server Addresses
FastUsenet provides Servers in Europe and USA.
US servers - news.fastusenet.org
US servers - secure.fastusenet.org
EU servers - euro.fastusenet.org
non-SSL port: 20, 23, 119, 2000, 8080, 9000, 9001, 9002
SSL: 443, 465, 563, 5563
Blocknews - Usenet Server Addresses
Blocknews provides Servers in Europe and USA.
US Server: usnews.blocknews.net
EU Server: eunews.blocknews.net
IPv6 Access (Your ISP and Newsreader must support this option)
US Server: usnews-v6.blocknews.net
EU Server: eunews-v6.blocknews.net
All servers allow access on ports: 23,119, 2000,8080 or 9000
For SSL connections on either server, you must use either port 443, 563 or 5563
UsenetNow - Usenet Server Addresses
UsenetNow provides Servers in Europe and USA.
US Server: usnews.usenetnow.net
EU Server: eunews.usenetnow.net
IPv6 Access (Your ISP and Newsreader must support this option):
US Server: usnews-v6.usenetnow.net
EU Server: eunews-v6.usenetnow.net
Standard Non-SSL Connections: Ports 23, 119, 2000, 8080, 9000
SSL Connections: Ports 443, 563, 5563
FrugalUsenet - Usenet Server Addresses
FrugalUsenet provides Servers in Europe and USA.
US Server: news.frugalusenet.com
EU Server: eunews.frugalusenet.com
You can also connect to FrugalUsenet via IPv6 if your newsreader and ISP gets with the times and supports it. Addresses are:
US Server: news-v6.frugalusenet.com
EU Server: eunews-v6.frugalusenet.com
SSL ports are: 443 or 563
StingyUsenet - Usenet Server Addresses
StingyUsenet uses Dutch Usenet servers.
Netherlands servers: news.stingyusenet.com
For SSL use port 563 or 443