☛ If you are looking for the simplest, most efficient solution for accessing and searching for articles on Usenet, try EWEKA. EWEKA offers the best retention and completion rates on the market with no speed limits. Black Friday Deal - The Eweka Black Friday deal is ONLY €2.50 / month
Deal-Link here
You can get Eweka’s unlimited Usenet access for €2.50/month for the first 12 months (just 30€ total). After that, it renews at €71.88 per year. If you want a strong all-rounder of a Usenet service, then look no further than this provider. You won’t get any better for speed or completion if you buy Eweka USENET. ☛ This service includes everything:
The best NZB indexing sites of 2024
There are thousands of articles added to USENET every second, so the key is finding exactly what you’re looking for.
NZB sites (NZB Indexers) will help you find what you are looking for on USENET. They provide NZB.file, which tells your newsreader which files need to be downloaded. This guide walks you through how to get set up with NZB indexers so you can get the best USENET search results possible.
Access to Newsgroup Binaries requires 3 things: : 1) a subscription to a USENET provider - 2) a Newsreader (downloader) and 3) access to NZB sites (Usenet search engines)
Subscribe to a USENET provider
☞ Before you can start downloading from USENET, you need to get USENET access from a USENET provider. This will give you access to the servers where articles are posted.
☞ If you are planning to download binaries, the most important factors in selecting the best newsgroup server provider are:
HIGH RETENTION - the amount of time an article posted to Usenet is stored on a USENET provider’s server – the more retention, the more articles you get access to and the better your download completion will be.
SPEED - some providers have faster networks with more server locations than others.
UNLIMITED PLANS WITHOUT DATA CAPS OR THROTTLING - some ‘unlimited’ providers will actually close your account or throttle your download speeds if you download too much.
Which Usenet Providers works Best with these NZB sites?. Here are the top recommended USENET providers:
Newshosting has the fastest USENET backbone with servers throughout the US and EU. It also has the most binary and text retention, maximizing your chances of a complete download when using an NZB file. The price is very good and includes a free newsreader with USENET search (you can also import NZB files into it for fast download), 60 SSL-secured connections and a free Zero-Logs VPN.
If you care about completion, Eweka is as best as it gets. Eweka is an independent provider with USENET servers in the EU. This provider runs its own high-quality backbone with fast speeds, along with quality retention and completion. Like Newshosting, all plans include a free newsreader with USENET search and the newsreader also supports NZB files.
✍ TIP! If you combine Newshosting and Eweka with obfuscated files, you are all set. This combo gets me the best completion of all the different setups I have tried. ✍
✍ I have been using them for well over 10 year now and never had any problem. ✍
Selecting a Newsreader
☞ After getting USENET access with a provider, you will now need a good newsreader. This is the software you’ll use to connect to the USENET provider’s servers and download articles.
➜ Newshosting and Eweka offer a free newsreader with your account and that is a real value. It is often preferable to use the Newsreader that your provider supplies as it is often custom tailored to their service and should give you the best possible USENET experience.
➜ You can use any newsreader you want to connect to USENET. Other good newsreaders include SABnzbd and NZBGet. NZBGet is what I use for my USENET downloader. NZBGet’s big features include file name repair of obfuscated file names using the par files. It also has a unique feature called "fast par-rename", which restores original file names within few seconds, even on very slow machines, eliminating the need for time consuming par-verify step.
✍ Having a reliable USENET account with good retention and network speeds plus a good NZB Site will almost always ensure 100% completion of all downloads ✍
☞ The next and last step is finding NZB Files. This is where USENET indexing sites and USENET Search Engines come into play. There are two ways to find NZB files:
➜ NZB Sites – These give you the ability to search for articles posted to USENET. There is an enormous amount of NZB sites out there and these communities index the billions of articles on USENET, making it easy to find specifically what you are looking for. Once found, simply grab the NZB file and import it into your newsreader, which will then download all articles associated with that NZB file from your USENET provider’s servers.
➜ USENET search engines – USENET search engines are similar to NZB sites in that you can search for articles on USENET and grab the associated NZB files, but there is no community behind them. It’s simply software that crawls posts on Usenet search engines, indexes them, allows you to run searches on the index (think Google search), then create your own NZBs.
➜ ➜ The big difference between NZB sites and USENET search engines is that NZB sites contain a catalog of NZB Files and are community-driven, while USENET Search engines simply allow you to search against an article index and create your very own NZB files in real time. USENET search engines are also generally free to use, whereas NZB sites often require a membership (some paid).
NZB Sites, on the other hand, do have a big advantage – they provide NZB files even for obfuscated content that is not found by regular USENET search engines. Many files posted to USENET nowadays have obfuscated file names. These files have obfuscated names in order to hide their content. This makes public USENET search engines (Binsearch - Nzbindex) useless and requires joining one or more NZB Sites to get the NZBs for obfuscated releases.
☞ Many files posted to USENET nowadays have obfuscated file names. The file names just look like scrambled letters and numbers. And sometimes uploaders spread the parts across numerous Newsgroups. To decipher obfuscated files and reveal their content, you need a good USENET indexer. They will do all the work for you and even translate the obfuscated file name to the real file name.
☞ We can only recommend signing up for more than one NZB indexing site because each USENET indexer indexes different article posts. USENET indexers don't simply index the USENET server; they choose which Newsgroups to index, so having multiple indexers means you will be getting articles from more USENET Newsgroups. Most NZB sites will typically give you excellent results and have an impressive list of available NZB files, but no one indexer can de-obfuscate all posts. You don't need to have lots of Usenet Service providers from different backbones to download on Usenet. You just need to subscribe to a lot of NZB Sites.
Factors to consider when choosing an NZB indexer: Be sure to look at the max number of NZB downloads and API calls per day (CouchPotato and Sonarr users will need an indexer that offers an API key). This determines how much you can actually use their service.
Best NZB Sites 2023
EASYNEWS - USENET access + USENET search + Newsreader combined➜ ➜ Easynews isn’t specifically an NZB site, but it tops the list because it’s an all-in-one service that has all 3 components you need (vs having to go to 3 different places to get them): ➜ ➜ 50GB free trial for Easynews is available here. This link will also get you a 75% lifetime discount plus unlimited downloads (normally caped at 150GB per month). |
➜ My current favourite NZB site is NZBGeek. It’s a very reliable indexer and it has never let me down. Note: you will need a USENET service provider to download NZB files from NZBGeek. We recommend Newshosting. Get a 58% Newshosting Lifetime Discount here.
➜ It is also a great NZB indexing site with quality items. One of the best NZB sites of 2023.
➜ Active community (no automation). Users add NZB content to the site.
➜ It's one of the best NZB indexes these days.
➜ NZBForyou is is a community based NZB forum
☛ Newshosting's Newsreader - Integrated USENET Browsers
➜ Newshosting has integrated the NZB search directly into their USENET Browser. All you need to do to get started is type in keywords for articles you are interested in, and their servers will return results from all alt binaries newsgroups on full range of binary retention. You can double click on one of the results that looks interesting to you, and the program will download it for you automatically (and of course the ability to create NZB files from your search result ).
☛ Global Search 2.0 - USENET search engine
➜ UsenetServer provides Global Search 2.0 that allows their members to search for articles on their Newsgroup servers. UsenetServer is currently offering a 14 day, 10 GB free Usenet trial. You can test the value of Global Search 2.0 by taking advantage of the 14 Day/10GB free trial.
Binsearch - USENET search engine
➜ Binsearch is probably the most popular USENET search engine that doesn’t require an invitation or registration.
NzbIndex - USENET search engine
➜ Nzbindex.Nl is one of our favorite USENET search engine at the moment.
NzbKing - USENET search engine
➜ NzbKing is definitely worth looking at if you’re looking for a new indexing service.
➜ Excellent choice of indexer for NZBs.
➜ German NZB Site.
➜ German NZB Site.
➜ German NZB Site.
➜ NZB Indexer.
NZBStars - Spotweb
➜ Spotweb is a Web-based usenet binary resource indexer based on the protocol and development done by Spotnet. Spotnet is a category-based Usenet indexing service. SpotWeb allows searching, filtering, and viewing of the spots and comments.
ClubNZB - Spotweb
➜ ClubNZB has spotweb for free. Downloading files on Usenet can be done with Spotweb.
NZBServer - Spotweb
➜ Website that uses Spotweb to directly access NZB files.
➜ Dutch NZB Site. Nederlandse community, registratie verplicht.
➜ Dutch NZB Site. Nederlandse community, registratie verplicht.
➜ Spanish NZB Site.
➜ USENET indexer.
➜ The Hive is a community-based Usenet indexer.
➜ NZBNewzfrance is a french language NZB forum. Le meilleur référenceur Usenet français !.
➜ UNFR is a french language NZB forum.
➜ French NZB site.
➜ French Newznab indexer.
➜ Adult NZB/Usenet Forum.
➜ Usenet-4all is a popular NZB indexing website.
➜ Tabula Rusa is a Newznab Usenet indexing website.
➜ NZBNoob is a Newznab Usenet indexing site.
➜ Drukenslug indexes the latest Usenet NZBs.
➜ NZBWolf is a Newznab NZB Site.
➜ NZBs is a forum-based NZB site.
➜ Miatrix is another NZB site.
➜ NZB indexer.
➜ NZB indexer.
➜ NZB indexer.
NZB files contain all the information needed for downloading USENET content
What is an NZB file?
NZB is an XML-based file format. NZB files are an index of the location of files on USENET and used to retrieve posts from USENET servers. The easiest way to think about nzb files is with this analogy: .torrent files are to BitTorrent as .nzb files are to USENET. NZB files contain no actual files, only information about where and from whom to download the files. An NZB is a list of files that USENET software (Newsreader) can use for downloading. The NZB file has all of the information to find the exact articles you are looking to download: The newsgroup, subject, date and the size.
NZB files make accessing files on USENET extremely easy: NZB files have revolutionized USENET by facilitating downloads, allowing Newsreaders to download directly without updating all headers in a Newsgroup. It automates the process of downloading - No longer do you need to find and select each file manually through a traditional newsreader program, which saves a ton of time. Simply import the NZB file into your newsreader and the rest is taken care of.